Apps & Forms

Please note that in addition to the permit fee there is a $1,000,000 liability insurance waiver requirement that must be on file prior to your event.

Large Assembly Permit

Building Permits & Inspections Resources

** PLEASE NOTE: All New Construction, Accessory Buildings, Swimming Pools, Sheds, and any permanent structures you plan to add to your property will require a SURVEY.  Surveys should include the following information:

All Burn Permits are done through West Hennepin Public Safety. Visit their page below to access the burn permit process and application. Please contact West Hennepin Public Safety with all questions and to find out the status of your burn permit request. 

West Hennepin Public Safety Burn Permit


To begin your dog's lifetime license, complete this online application and upload a copy of your dog's rabies vaccine information or have your Veterinarian email your dog's rabies vaccine records to  

The fee is only $20 which can be paid either online (using Bill Pay & then QUICK PAY) or in person at City Hall.

You'll then need to stop in to the City Hall to pick up the dog tag to attach to its collar.

 Dog License Application

Welcome to the City of Independence, MN!

We are glad you have moved to our beautiful rural community! Please complete our New Resident Form to help us keep our records current. You can mail it to the City's address below or simply email your completed form to

City of Independence
1920 County Rd 90
Independence, MN 55359

Thank you!

Solicitor License Application