Organics Drop Off
Our one drop-off location is located at the City of Independence City Hall and requires gate access to get back to the designated Organics-Only bin.. All organics must stay in the special organics bags and never dumped into the bin.
Independence residents who are just beginning to use this service should either stop in or call City Hall to register. We will provide you with 100% compostable organics bags to use if you don't have your own 100% compostable organics bags. Non compostable bags are not acceptable. Please return as needed to get more.
To drop off your organics, Independence residents can pull up to the North gate and press the call button (or call 763-479-0527) and share your name and that you are dropping off your organics. We will open the gate and you may drive back to carefully place your bag of organics into the green Organics-Only bin ensuring that it doesn't break.
Please reach out to the City of Independence if you have any questions at 763-479-0527.
For additional Organics collection options, please see the UTILITIES page (under the Community tab) for companies who will provide curbside pickup of your organics.
Getting Started in the Backyard
Check with your city recycling coordinator to see if there are rules you need to follow for backyard composting.
Buy or make your compost bin. They can be purchased at local garden centers, hardware stores, home improvement stores or your county compost bin sale. Also, the Recycling Association of Minnesota sells compost bins and rain barrels in the spring. For more information, go to For instructions on how to make your own bin, check our website,, and search “backyard composting.”
Composting is one of the best opportunities to reduce our trash. Did you know that about 25% of what we throw away is organic materials like food scraps and compostable paper that could be put to better use as compost? Composting involves collecting food scraps and non-recycling paper to be turned into compost in a bin in your yard. this process creates a nutrient-rich material that can be used in gardens and landscaping projects.
Hennepin County shares free backyard composting workshops, videos, along with a PDF for How to Compost in your Backyard, and more. For more information, visit:
How to compost
A successful compost pile requires three things: air circulation, moisture and the right ingredients. Pointers on selecting your location are offered in the Rethink Recycling Resident Guide. On the same web page, you’ll find a recipe for good, clean dirt.
In general, the right recipe is three parts dry ingredients (leaves or dry grass) to one part wet food waste. Food waste includes vegetable and fruit scraps, coffee grounds and filters, tea leaves and tea bags, egg shells, nut shells, and more.
A few things do not belong in a backyard compost pile: dairy products, meat or bones, gravies or fatty sauces, grease, pet waste, diseased plants, weeds gone to seed, ash from charcoal or coal, branches and wood chucks.
The natural process will break down the materials. The internal temperature of the pile will rise from the microbial activity.
Composting FAQ
Hennepin County's Home Composting PDF summarizes it all nicely! (Download your PDF here.)
What to Compost, Tips for Home Composting, How to Use Compost, Steps to Backyard Composting, The Recipe for a Successful Compost Pile, What About Cuttings Treated with Herbicides, and more!
Compost In Your Backyard
Much can be learned about both by checking out the Resident Guide on
Using the Finished Product
Mix your indoor or outdoor compost in with your soil to improve quality. Use it to fill in low spots in your yard. Use it as mulch for landscaping and garden plants. Mix compost in the soil for potted plants. Top dress your lawn to retain moisture.
Troubleshooting Problems
Does your bin stink? Not sure if it’s working? Attracting critters? A little work each spring to get your compost bin going will pay off with rich soil and thankful plants. The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency has a fact sheet, “Diagnosing common backyard composting problems.” You can download the helpful fact sheet HERE.
These materials were provided by the Solid Waste Management Coordinating Board (SWMCB) as a part of its Rethink Recycling outreach efforts.